In the May 15, 2018 Work Design Magazine[1], Chris LaPata, client leader with BHDP Architecture[2], addresses the importance of Design Thinking in innovative workplaces. “Without innovation, organizations risk the possibility of either being acquired by a company with...
Forbes has come up with its own definition of Design Thinking amidst so many other “floating” interpretations of this buzzword: “Design thinking combines creative and critical thinking that allows information and ideas to be organized, decisions to be made, situations...
Whatever happened to the old tradition of parents teaching their children to say “please” and “thank you?” The first amendment of our U.S. Constitution has been taking a beating in societal conversation with the open attitude that it’s okay to say anything any time to...
Having a personal relationship with a professional seems to be a normal experience for most people. How often have we heard someone express this in terms of “my doctor”, “my lawyer”, etc.? This is, in fact, a personal ownership of services rendered that is expressed...
*This article originally appeared in the July 2017 edition of Association for Coaching. Complete issue can be found here. What is it that makes a team easier to coach, and what impedes the process? Here we draw on recent studies to explain what characteristics define...