Digital Dexterity Leveraged by Knowledge Management

Digital Dexterity Leveraged by Knowledge Management

TweetShareSharePin0 Shares Digital Dexterity Leveraged by Knowledge Management When the work world surfaced in answer to the pandemic, technology got into the business of maximizing efficiency and effectiveness through new designs of different tools in place of the...
Opening the Mysteries of Artificial Intelligence

Opening the Mysteries of Artificial Intelligence

TweetShareSharePin0 Shares Opening the Mysteries of Artificial Intelligence In the 1956 Dartmouth Conference, [1] the founding event of Artificial Intelligence as a field, eleven mathematicians and scientists held a six-week brainstorming session on “the thinking...
What Artificial Intelligence Needs to be Intelligent

What Artificial Intelligence Needs to be Intelligent

TweetShareSharePin0 Shares What Artificial Intelligence Needs to be Intelligent In 2020, Brian Bergstein[1] wrote, “Artificial intelligence won’t be very smart if computers don’t grasp cause and effect. That’s something even humans have trouble with.”  Now, in 2021,...
The future work of 2025

The future work of 2025

TweetShareSharePin0 Shares The future work of 2025 Pega Systems’[1] 2020 research report projected the changing role of technology in the workplace and what future work will look like by 2025, something that is already here but in different degrees of intensity.  In...
Taming AI before it becomes Dangerous

Taming AI before it becomes Dangerous

TweetShareSharePin0 Shares Taming AI before it becomes Dangerous The Aug. 11, 2021, issue of Time Magazine published the article Uncontrolled AI Can Endanger People’s Lives. We Must Enforce Stronger Safeguards by Kate Crawford[1], warning the world of the misguided...
Swarm Learning – Shared Ethically without Privacy Breach

Swarm Learning – Shared Ethically without Privacy Breach

TweetShareSharePin0 Shares Swarm Learning – Shared Ethically without Privacy Breach MIT Technology Review Insights in connection with Hewlett Packard Enterprise presented a podcast on August 16, 2021, hosted by Laurel Ruma, director of MIT Insights, who interviews Dr....