From almost the day we were born, our source of contact with mother and caregivers is touch and eye contact. Touch, of course, is total body sensation, while eye contact is focus for which newborns need a couple of weeks to develop. A newborn has very small pupils to...
Empathy is the new word in our recent popular vocabulary. It is used for a variety of different emotional settings such as compassion, sympathy, “walking in another’s shoes”, kindness, “doing unto others”, and charity. Recent studies done at the German Research Center...
Dr. Helen Riess[1] is a psychiatrist who developed an empathy training approach based on research in the neurobiology and physiology of empathy at Harvard Medical School and is Director of the Empathy and Relational Science Program at Massachusetts General Hospital....
Daniel Siegel, M.D., wrote the forward to Mary Gordon’s singular book Roots of Empathy: Changing the World Child by Child,[1] in which Dr. Siegel capsules his understanding of empathy with “care, connect, communicate.” As a teacher himself, he suggests that empathy...
It was Abraham Maslow’s pyramid of needs in the mid 1900s that got human psychology well off the ground, because it was “so right on” with our everyday developmental experiences. The first two needs of physical wellbeing and security are tended to with adequate...